What begins like 'any normal day' can pose questions for the days beyond. What is 'Out of Character Behaviour'? If we can't explain it, shouldn't we be asking Why does it happen!
Did anyone see SkyThree on Sunday night between about 8pm to 1 called 'Born to Kill'. It was about Jack the Ripper, Sutcliffe, the Wests, Shipman. Worth seeing if they do it again. Andrew
Common understand and thinking towards someone sometime may be wrong, if we accept our mistake then we need to tell that right away with as much as you can apologize in simple words. i got nice help by your post, thanks for sharing this with me.
I was trying to post this:
Did anyone see SkyThree on Sunday night between about 8pm to 1 called 'Born to Kill'. It was about Jack the Ripper, Sutcliffe, the Wests, Shipman. Worth seeing if they do it again.
Common understand and thinking towards someone sometime may be wrong, if we accept our mistake then we need to tell that right away with as much as you can apologize in simple words. i got nice help by your post, thanks for sharing this with me.
Sample behavior apology letter
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